Monday, February 27, 2012

17 Months

Caroline is 17 months?  Almost a year and a half old.  She's blossomed over the last month and has started "talking" more, if you will.  Thank goodness, the fact that she wasn't saying some of the most important things in her life such as lovie, daddy, very rarely mama, was starting to become a little unsettling to me.  I spoke with her pediatrician the other day and she assured me that ages 15-20 months is when the talking can really start to take off.  I swear in the last 3 days she has been repeating a lot of what I say.

Other than a few new words, not too much is going on.  We've been battling a fever and ear infection for the past 4 days.  Hopefully she's on the mend.  The fever tends to come up late afternoon and evening but she's such a trooper and remains in good spirits most of the time.  She's rarely a fussy sick baby.  She is hands down the happiest baby when she is outdoors playing.  She never stops for a second.  Her favorite thing to do at the moment is sit on daddy's new 4 wheeler, run up and down the driveway, and run up and down this grassy little hill between our house and our neighbors.  She loves running down the hill because she can really build up some speed.  It's so funny because she doesn't quite have the ability to stop when she gets going fast, this has resulted in me scrubbing and spot treating little grass stains on the knees of her pants. :)

I feel like I've been somewhat repetitive with her monthly updates so I think I'll do one more 18 month post and then every 3 months here on out until she's 2.  That way I will have more to share about with things like her doctors visits, stats, words, etc.  I will however continue to do post pictures and videos of her cute little self whenever I unload my camera. I have pictures to come!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pinning my life away...

Finally, blogger is working for me again.  Pinterest has totally consumed my life.  In the last 3 weeks it has helped me pick Caroline's 2nd birthday party theme, ELMO!! Isn't that sad? The kid isn't even 18 months yet. She's equally obsessed with Elmo and Woody but I found soooo many cute ideas for Elmo.  I'm so excited I can't stand it. 

I also did a year round boxwood fern wreath for my front door.  I stumbled upon it on pinterest and I thought I could for sure do that!  Then last but not least, a new recipe.  I seriously don't make anything new without consulting pinterest first and everything has turned out fantastic.  Sunday we thawed out some fresh alaskan halibut Scott caught when went for his "business" trip to Alaska.  I looked up a new recipe for that one and came across a fantastic one that included a garlic, cilantro lime, butter sauce.  Wow! And roasted new potatoes and asparagus. 

My next attempt is the "Better than sex cake", I can't stand the name of it and I'm going to find a new name for it.  I would hate for it to be a hit around here and in a couple of years have my 2 or 3 year old daughter asking for "Better than sex" cake.  It's sure to raise a few questions.

Perfect for Spring through Summer

Everything can be found at Hobby Lobby except the burlap.

Delicious halibut dinner!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pinterest Inspired... Updated!!

I just blogged this morning, but this afternoon I made a homemade salt scrub made with sea salt, EVOO and relaxing essential oils of lavender, mandarin orange and ylang ylang!! It smells fabulous and I just used some on my hands to test.  It left them very soft! Can't wait to try it out in the bath or shower!!

Lately I've been trying out some new pinterest inspired ideas including recipes and little craft ideas.  The latest are lemonade cake, two timin' pasta and my DIY monogrammed picture frame.  All super easy.  I'm getting soooo many cool ideas and recipes with this website, I think it's safe to say I'm hooked!!

Monogrammed picture frame.  All made for under $10!

Awesome Lemonade cake!! Perfect for summer as it's served chilled!!

No pictures of the two timin' pasta, but it was delish.  Scott's only complaint was that it could have used some meat in it.  Typical thing for him to say, but yes, chicken added to it would have been awesome and made it a little more filling.