I think I say this every post, but this one feels really crazy. I can't believe I'm writing Caroline's 9 month post. Maybe it's because the 9 months I was pregnant with her felt like it dragged on a little slower than the 9 months she's been with us. Time flies!!! Caroline is doing soooooo many new things. She claps her hands like crazy and yells "Yaaaaaaaay" when she does it. She's pulling up on just about everything, and points to everything. Whether its the ceiling fan, Mia, Daddy, her books, etc, she's got the pointing down! Every night after Dad gets finished with lotion and putting her jammies on, he lets her turn off her bedroom light and then the hallway light. She LOVES to do this, so whenever we pass by a light switch she thinks she needs to turn it off. I think we have a little energy saver on our hands. :) C is such a water bug! We hang out at our friends/neighbors pool a lot and she would stay in there for hours if I let her. She knows how to hold her breath and go under and kick to get her floaty to move. She adores the water which I am thrilled about!! I've always been a fan of the water as well.
I recently started keeping our neighbors Richard and Brandi's sweet baby Logan. I keep her Monday-Friday from 8am-1pm. She's a super easy baby but Caroline seems to be doing great with the fact that she doesn't get 100% of me all the time. She'll show interest in Logan for about 2 minutes then something else will catch her attention and she's off!! Once Logan gets bigger they will be great playmates and in the same grade as well.
Caroline pretty much eats everything we eat. She loves all crackers especially club crackers. Spaghetti, chicken tetrazinni, pizza, teddy grahams, Cheddars broccoli rice and cheese casserole is a favorite. We have to order her own from now on. I hope she continues on this path of eating good and doesn't turn picky on me. I'll just continue to give her things that look funny and have weird textures so she stays use them. She gets 4 6oz. bottles a day with cereal and fruit at bedtime and a jar food before her bottles. She drinks about 2 ounces of her bottle and then starts squirming and digs her elbow in my chest to sit up. She's pretty much lost interest in her bottles and its driving me bonkers!! I have to get her lovey for her to hold while she eats and I can usually get the rest down her. She's a toot and we love her to pieces and enjoy every moment with her!
Caroline goes to the doctor the 27th and I will post her stats and pictures later!!
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