Caroline's 14 month post brings LOTS of new things. All the way from new teeth to new words to blowing kisses, which I think is the sweetest thing in the world. As far as growth, I think we are pretty much the same... maybe around 21 lbs, if that. Her 15 month checkup isn't until January 2nd so we will update all of that then. Still in size 3 diapers, 12 month clothing with a few 18 month in there. 18 months are definitely baggy but perfect in length. We might have a super model on our hands with the length and skinniness. :) I feed her, I promise. That child can eat like no other. We still haven't hit a day where she turns her head or shakes "no". I just have to assume that she has GOT to be full.
Words she is saying include: Ma, Dadeeeee (Daddy), Kenty (Kenzie), Boog (which is our nickname for Mia), Tan (Tanner), Tay (ok). She understands that the fireplace, oven, and my coffee mugs are usually hot. She will put her palm up in the air and say "hotttssss" like she's trying to feel the heat.
Caroline is such a big help around the house when it comes to unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, and picking up her toys. (A little sarcasm there) We sing a little song when it's time to pick up our toys before bath time and she starts bringing them to me to put in her toy box. Same thing goes for the toys in the bathtub as well, but she can usually get them all back in her frog pod herself. She may have inherited a little of my OCD when it comes to being neat and tidy. She lines all her bath time blocks up on the side of the tub and places all her shampoo and baby wash bottles back in their place. Too funny. She really doesn't like them floating around. She has gotten rather good at maneuvering our iPhones. We've had to put pass codes on them and she's even got to the point of trying to put the pass code in, even though theres no way she could get it right. She loves to play fruit ninja and ant smasher.
She is really getting to the stage where she makes us laugh until we cry. She loves to come up to me and pat me on the shoulder then cuddle me. Melts my heart, she really is the sweetest thing. However; in the last month we've come to realize that Caroline doesn't care for any man other than Daddy. And when I say she doesn't care for any man, I mean she gives them the ugliest face imaginable and stays as far away as possible. It takes her a good while to warm up to Papa Tom, PePaw, Uncle Aaron and Uncle Lynn. Uncle Aaron won her over the other night when he let her play with his iPad. Uncle Lynn tried to win her over with a snickers but that didn't work. I've got several videos and lots of pictures that need to be uploaded, and more blogging to do, so that is on my to do list. Stay tuned for many pictures to come!
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