Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Firethorne Christmas Lights

Last Saturday, after having dinner and going to see Santa, we drove through our community and looked at all the beautiful Christmas lights.  I had gotten an email for the "yard of the month" for Firethorne, and boy did they deserve it.  It was truly amazing.  They had a tent set up in their driveway with tons of cookies, brownies and other assortments of sweets and hot chocolate.  Then Santa sat out in front of their house and took pictures with all the kids.  It was the kindest, nicest thing these wonderful people could have done.  It was like their gift to our housing addition and I was truly amazed.  I didn't have my camera with me so these are pictures from my cell which don't do it justice.

Santa again!!!

As Caroline says "Preeeee" aka "Pretty"

She was in awe, so was I!!

Fa La La La La!!!

Our halls have been decked for awhile now, but I haven't gotten around to blogging much lately!  I started right after the nutcracker market in mid November.  Since we travel during the Holidays I wanted to enjoy as much as possible.

She's done really well except grabbing an ornament here and there.

Went totally different with the topper this year!!

Same ornament... different day! :) Love this picture.

Love my Santa.  Another great item from the Round Top Collection at the market!

Meet "Pat Pat"

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hot Toddy...

For the adults only of course.  My Dad made this concoction last Christmas called Apple Pie Moonshine.  Warning: It tastes just like a regular apple cider so you have to be careful as it's a "sipping" drink and can sneak up on you a little.  Great little gifts for neighbors and friends.  It's perfect for when you aren't going to be driving of course, or if you have don't have any special place to be!  I loved to heat up a little at a time last year and wrap my presents.  Also great for Christmas parties or gatherings.

This year I decided to make up a batch and jar a few to give as little gifts to my neighbors and friends.  Here is the recipe:


1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
3 cups white sugar
8 cinnamon sticks
1 liter bottle of grain liquor (I used everclear) 190 proof (Yes, that's why it can sneak up on you) :)


1.  In a large stockpot (I had to use two) combine apple juice, cider, sugar and cinnamon sticks, bring to a boil and remove from heat and allow to cool.
2.  Add bottle of high proof liquor.
3.  Pour this into mason jars, screw the lids on and let it mellow out.  You can drink it right away, but it does get better after a week or two.  (I canned it like I was canning anything else and formed the seal in case anyone wanted to save it for awhile.)

Waiting on them to boil...

Ta Da!!!

Remember, this stuff is so tasty and smooth!  Use with CAUTION! :) 

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family this year and Caroline got to enjoy all the yummies as well!!

"Gobble, gobble" Never mind the drool, I've come to terms that it's never going to end! :)

Silly girl


Pointing to buzzards that were so high I don't know how she spotted them!

One of the arrangements mom did for the table.  Such talent!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

14 Months!!!

Caroline's 14 month post brings LOTS of new things.  All the way from new teeth to new words to blowing kisses, which I think is the sweetest thing in the world.  As far as growth, I think we are pretty much the same... maybe around 21 lbs, if that.  Her 15 month checkup isn't until January 2nd so we will update all of that then.  Still in size 3 diapers, 12 month clothing with a few 18 month in there.  18 months are definitely baggy but perfect in length.  We might have a super model on our hands with the length and skinniness.  :)  I feed her, I promise.  That child can eat like no other.  We still haven't hit a day where she turns her head or shakes "no".  I just have to assume that she has GOT to be full. 

Words she is saying include: Ma, Dadeeeee (Daddy), Kenty (Kenzie), Boog (which is our nickname for Mia), Tan (Tanner), Tay (ok).  She understands that the fireplace, oven, and my coffee mugs are usually hot.  She will put her palm up in the air and say "hotttssss" like she's trying to feel the heat. 

Caroline is such a big help around the house when it comes to unloading the dishwasher, folding laundry, and picking up her toys. (A little sarcasm there)  We sing a little song when it's time to pick up our toys before bath time and she starts bringing them to me to put in her toy box. Same thing goes for the toys in the bathtub as well, but she can usually get them all back in her frog pod herself.  She may have inherited a little of my OCD when it comes to being neat and tidy.  She lines all her bath time blocks up on the side of the tub and places all her shampoo and baby wash bottles back in their place.  Too funny.  She really doesn't like them floating around.  She has gotten rather good at maneuvering our iPhones.  We've had to put pass codes on them and she's even got to the point of trying to put the pass code in, even though theres no way she could get it right.  She loves to play fruit ninja and ant smasher.

She is really getting to the stage where she makes us laugh until we cry. She loves to come up to me and pat me on the shoulder then cuddle me.  Melts my heart, she really is the sweetest thing. However; in the last month we've come to realize that Caroline doesn't care for any man other than Daddy.  And when I say she doesn't care for any man, I mean she gives them the ugliest face imaginable and stays as far away as possible.  It takes her a good while to warm up to Papa Tom, PePaw, Uncle Aaron and Uncle Lynn.  Uncle Aaron won her over the other night when he let her play with his iPad. Uncle Lynn tried to win her over with a snickers but that didn't work. I've got several videos and lots of pictures that need to be uploaded, and more blogging to do, so that is on my to do list.  Stay tuned for many pictures to come!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 Days Of Thanks!

19. I am thankful for Bubble Guppies.  By far the cutest show out there for kids.  Caroline adores it and I find myself enjoying it as well.

20. I am thankful for every single month of the year.  There may be months I like less than others due to those being busy times for my husband, but I am so thankful to be able to see each and every month and spend them with my beautiful baby girl and family. 

I'm very behind on my "thankful list."  My mom was in town for awhile and then our router for our internet went bad so I had to replace that.  Finally we are back up and running which brings me to #8 and #9.

8.  My mom.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring and talented I might add, mother.  We had such a good time this past weekend and had a blast at the nutcracker market. 

9.  Internet.  You totally take it for granted until all you have is your iPhone.

10.  A warm home, bed, clothes and food on the table.

11. Our soldiers who put their life on the line in order for us to live safe and free.

12. Camera's.  I able to capture every sweet moment of my little C. 

13. The warmth of the Holiday season that is upon us. 

14. A loving and extremely strong marriage.  We've had hard times but I know we can make it through anything.

15. Nap time.  I love spending every minute I can with Caroline, but I cherish that 2 1/2 hours I get to myself.

16. My education.

17. Sweet little Logan that I get to watch everyday for 5 hours. 

18. My Dad.  Seriously one of the hardest working men I have ever known.  He always made sure we were very well taken care of.  We had a scare with him about 3 1/2 years ago and it really opened my eyes to never take anyone for granted.  It opened his eyes too and he takes such wonderful care of himself now.  I'm proud of him.

*Updated* November 4th-7th

4.  My amazing family.  I was blessed with best family anyone could ask for. 

5.  I am thankful that I have Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  We may not go to church every single Sunday but that certainly does not mean I pray less than anyone who goes every Sunday.  When things are out of my control I take a deep breath and hand it over to Jesus and have faith that everything will be taken care of the way it's suppose to be.

6.  Our sweet friends who would be there at the drop of a hat to help us with anything.

7.  My health.

I figured I would start my 30 days of thanks on the blog.  Every few days I will add to this post on what I'm most thankful for in my life!  And it's a lot!  Sometimes I almost get the "going good blues".  I feel everything is so great and going so smoothly, something has got to go wrong eventually.  I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I have to remember to turn things over to God, that I am not in control of everything.

November 1st-3rd:

1.  My husband Scott.  He blows my mind with his hard work and dedication to take care of his family and  allow me to stay home and take care of Caroline.  He amazes me sometimes with the kind of days he pulls.  I could go on and on about him but y'all get the gist. 

2.  Sweet Caroline.  I am so thankful to have a healthy baby girl.  I thank God everyday for picking us to be her parents.  She warms my heart each and every day.

3.  I think I may have did this one last year, but it hasn't changed.  Our furbabies!! Tanner and Mia are like any other member of our family.  We love them so much and they make us laugh a lot!! 

Stay tuned for more! :)  I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

This was Caroline's second Halloween but first time to dress up in a costume.  She was only 6 weeks old last year!  I have to say, she was the cutest little Tinkerbell I've ever seen!  She got the hang of the trick or treating for about 10 seconds then became more interested in chasing all the other kids and running up and down the sidewalk.  She had her first package of candy which was smartees.  Talk about a sugar high.  It was like she couldn't even function.  I thought for sure she would crash easy, boy was I wrong.  I couldn't get that get that kid to wind down for the life of me!! We had a great time though.  Clint and Jennifer Wren came over with their kiddos to hit up the houses in our neighborhood. We took lots of pictures, collected lots of candy, handed out a bunch of candy and had a blast!!

Again... birds!

My precious angel

Off they go!

1 year ago!! My precious Halloween baby! My how time flies!

13 Months!!!

Sorry guys, I'm a little behind on Caroline's 13 month update!  Things have been a little crazy and I was falling behind on my blogging all together.  Anyway, the girl is a busy little bee!! At 13 months we are...

-Size 12-18 month clothes
-Size 3 diapers
-8 teeth- 4 on top and 4 on bottom
-Walking and running EVERYWHERE! Including away from Mom and Dad.
-Eats anything and everything!
-Loves her milk and we've started giving her her last cup of milk before bath time that way she gets her bath, brushes her teeth and goes to bed like a big girl!! (I still rock and pat her to sleep, I don't care what anyone or any pediatrician says, there is nothing wrong with that and I will cherish every moment I get to do that) :)
Talking up a storm!  She says cheeeeeese before a picture, mama, dada, boog (which is Mia), da (dog), ok, yeah, yo (which I'm pretty sure is Logan and she's trying to say Lo) and a bunch of other stuff I haven't figured out yet. 

Her favorite thing to do right now is go outside and look for birds.  Most of her pictures outside consist of her pointing at the sky.  Ever since the bird show at the fair she's been obsessed!!

She is starting to hide from me when she goes number 2.  I never scold her when she does it, but I also don't make it a positive thing either.  I'm hoping she will be an easy baby to potty train when the time comes! :)

Caroline has got to be the sweetest, kindest, most sharing baby I've ever known.  She is so sweet and loving to Logan and takes all of her toys to her and plays so gently with her.  I have a feeling she will be the best big sister in the world and a big help I'm hoping!! When the time comes! We've gotten a lot of questions about our "next one" lately. We are enjoying just her and giving her our full, undivided attention for awhile longer. 

Mommy and Daddy love you Caroline and we are so thrilled you are a huge part of this family!!

A little playtime with Logan one morning.

So sweet

Checking for birds on Halloween!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

State Fair of Texas!!!

Last Thursday we went to the Great State Fair of Texas!! I absolutely love the fair and the fact that it takes place around my favorite time of year makes it better.  Caroline loved everything about it.  There was tons to look at, tons to touch and tons to eat!!! My kid is a bottomless pit so all the food was an added bonus.  Some of her favorites included going to the Food and Fiber building and getting free ice cream, the petting zoo and birthing center where we fed the animals, the dog show and last but not least the bird show.  We got a perfect seat next to a perch in the middle of the amphitheater where the birds would land.  She LOVED it!! Several of the birds would be released from the ferris wheel behind us and fly in to the stage.  She started realizing this and wouldn't take her eyes off the ferris wheel in hopes to see another bird fly down.  It was so cute.  There was plenty for the adults as well and tons of exhibits.  We checked out all the cars including the Tahoe's! :) (An interest of mine)  Daddy even checked out a few John Deere Gators and I did a little shopping!  We had such a wonderful time and the weather could not have been more beautiful.  I look forward to taking Caroline every year!

Caroline & Daddy enjoying a Fletcher's corny dog!



This was probably one of her favorites!

At the bird show!! Another hit!!

This owl was only 8 months old and massive!!

Watching that ferris wheel waiting on the falcon to fly down!

Bye, Bye Fair! Until next year!!